Monday, March 26, 2012

last night i had a dream about you.
that you were here. right next to me.

i dreamt that i could reach out my hand and touch you.

i could smell your skin.

feel your breath.

hear your laugh.

i dreamt that my laugh didn't fall on deaf ears.
you brushed my hair from my face

gazed in my eyes
and told me you missed me as much as i miss you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

this made me very happy

here's a video that one of my favorite people in the world made about getting his finger stuck in a shopping basket at target.

anyone that knows adam can attest that capturing this experience on video is completely normal behavior for him.

and for that, i love love love him

Friday, March 9, 2012

a birthday!

today one of my best friends is celebrating her 28th birthday!

jessica has been one of my most darling friends since we were both 6 years old!
i honestly can't imagine my life without her in it.
she's always been one of the few people in my life that can make me laugh until i can't breathe, my shoulder to cry on, and the kind of girlfriend that will sit on the phone for hours with me and just listen.

happiest of birthdays jess!
thank you for being such a wonderful friend.
i love you!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

life, lately

baby. baby. baby!
skating and strolling venice beach, too much time spent in dressing rooms, random self bathroom-portraits, catching up with friends, way too many double shot espressos, missing roomie, instagram obsessions, hours girl chatting with hambone in nyc, iced triple shot espressos, introduction to archer (my new favorite show), and falling in love with my brand new toy!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

#46 get married

#47 visit a shooting range

why did i inadvertently put those two so close together?

subconsciously speaking much?

makes me think