Friday, March 29, 2013

special little soiree

finally! a break in traffic.

last saturday afternoon, we celebrated the first marriage in our little concierge family. our darling friend (and former co-worker) alex and his partner josh celebrated their union amongst friends and family underneath the stars in palm springs.

after an 8 hour work shift, 3 hour drive, and one very expensive hotel-shower later - we arrived just in time to catch the first dance, the open bar, and somehow found a way to sneak off and scarf down burritos in the car (um...yeah. don't ask). all in all, it was worth every minute of the trip. to witness two people pledge their love in front of their friends and family is not only an honor to be a part of - but it fills my heart with endless joy.

mazel-tov alex! we love you!

whatever your views on marriage may be - this is love - and i'll always stand behind that


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